Women’s health needs attention, not ignorance. A gynaecologist shares habits that every woman must focus on for a long and healthy life.
Women, especially, take their health for granted most times until a crisis hits. Let us change this attitude! While people are still reeling from the lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has resulted in neglecting other aspects of one’s health. There are certain key aspects of women’s health that need due attention all-year round for optimum well-being.
Healthy habits for women who want a long life
If you wonder how to improve women’s health, here are some healthy habits that women must follow.
1. Fitness and food
This is a much-needed power combo for women’s health and longevity. The idea of fitness is different for different people. Some give priority to rigorous exercise and fat-burning mechanisms, while some others will focus only on healthy eating and diet. Both are equally important in controlling weight as well as overall health management. Most women manage to focus only on one of the above, often missing out on the other due to time constraints. Balancing it out with proper time management is the best solution. A well-balanced nutritious diet, along with regular exercise, will not only help with your weight but will make sure diseases are kept at bay.
2. Say no to toxins and unhealthy habits
There in no magic pill to achieve health goals. One needs perseverance and the will to keep away from all temptations that come in varied forms. Alcoholism, smoking and drugs are those toxins that can only give momentary sense of pleasure. In the future, these can become a gateway for ill-health. Excess sugar and junk food also makes it to the list of unhealthy habits. Therefore, one must be mindful during indulgences. The component of ovarian health is the most powerful contributor to a woman’s health. These toxins have a proven history of negative impact on ovarian health besides having impact on general overall health. Know the side effects of alcohol for a woman.
3. There is no health without well-being
Women, especially, are made to believe that they must look a certain way to fit into societal norms. So, the focus on physical health and appearances takes precedence. Looking at life from a 360-degree window takes a back seat. Psychological, mental and emotional health makes a huge impact on the overall health. Therefore, we cannot trade one for the other. Good health is not only physical health but a combination of physical, psychological, mental and emotional well-being. A comprehensive view of all these elements makes for a healthy body, mind, and soul. It is time to shift focus from ‘only physical activity’ to mental health and wellness programmes, yoga, and meditation as a full package to good health.
Do not separate or ignore these elements if you want to enjoy wholesome health. In addition, the fast-paced lives we lead is an open-door invitation to stress, and therefore we have to balance all these factors in order to achieve our health goals.
4. Take preventive measures
Early diagnosis and vaccinations are important. We are blessed to be born in an era of advanced medical science practices. So why not take advantage of the situation and use it for the betterment of our health? It is always strategically smart to prevent rather than treat and manage health complications. Women must watch out for any signs and warnings such as irregular periods, lump in breast or any unusual discharge. Annual visits to a gynaecologist are unfortunately underrated and ignored, which can actually save you a lot of trouble in terms of reproductive diseases. It is also advisable to do a yearly sonography’s, breast exams and pap-smears that can help you in early cancer screening and detection. Check-ups and blood tests to check for iron, haemoglobin, thyroid, vitamins also are crucial.
Vaccinations being perceived as a childhood activity is now being acknowledged as an important intervention all through the journey of a woman’s life. Life course immunization is not just for individual benefit but a pulse of a resilient healthcare system. Vaccinations such as HPV vaccine, Hepatitis, Rubella, Flu, Tetanus and now Covid-19 amongst others must be part of your vaccine chart. Take time to check your immunization needs relevant to different phases of your life.
5. Stay aware, updated, and educated about your health
You are the only one who is the master of your body and mind and the only custodian of your health. Take time to understand your body and mind needs, spend time in increasing your knowledge about women’s health that can have an impact in the long run. Just like in the financial world, appropriate steps are taken at the right time that show compounding benefits at a later age, similar with health.
Awareness and education about the latest vaccines, health protocols and dos and don’ts can help you in your journey of health. Women go through different phases from adolescence, adulthood, pregnancy to menopause. Hormonal play in the body must be understood so that you can handle your life better and make it more fruitful.
The importance of health for women
When it comes to our female population, you need double your strength to stay stronger amidst the constant attention that family and work demands of you. Women’s health awareness is the need of the hour. It is important to create a daily routine which incorporates enhancement of the mind, body, and soul for positive overall health. Indulge in healthy eating habits, take time out for exercise, yoga, meditation and practice mindfulness and spirituality for healthier outcomes throughout the year.