6 Tips for healthy and strong nails

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Regular nail care helps in having healthy nails. There are several ways to keep your nails healthy. Examine your fingernails carefully and see if there are any ridges, dents, or areas of unusual colour or shape? Many unfavourable nail disorders can be avoided with adequate fingernail care. Others may suggest an underlying problem that requires treatment. There are certain ways that you can try at home and not so expensive also.Take a look at few tips for healthy nails.

Keep your nails clean and dry

Keep your fingernails clean and dry. This stops germs from forming beneath your fingernails. Water interaction on a regular or prolonged basis might contribute to split fingernails. When washing dishes, cleaning, or using strong chemicals, wear cotton-lined rubber gloves.

Stop biting your nails

Biting your nails causes extensive harm. In addition to making your nails seem sad, contact with your saliva weakens and brittles them. It also causes cuticle damage. Putting your fingers in your mouth also transfers dirt and bacteria from your fingertips to your mouth.

Be cautious while choosing nail polish and remover

Many nail paints and treatments involve harsh chemicals that might damage your nails. Acetone-containing nail polish remover should be avoided since it might cause nail damage. Look for acetone-free polish remover and nontoxic nail polishes.

Use moisturizer

While you are using moisturizer or any lotion, apply it on your nails and cuticles too so that they remain soft.

Try to keep your nails short

Long nails are more likely to break and become entangled in things, but shorter nails are less likely to be chipped, cracked, or split, which helps maintain them strong.

Avoid scraping off your nail polish

The worst thing you can do to your nails is scrape it off. It causes your nail surface to become rough and spotty. It also removes the top layer of your nails. Scrape and peel your nails as little as possible. Use an acetone-free nail polish remover instead.

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