It is important to take care of a girl child
National Girl Child Day, observed annually on January 24th in India, was introduced by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, to ensure equal opportunities for girls in educational, healthcare, and nutritional domains.
Girls face certain health challenges that are aggravated by societal norms and stigmas, particularly after reaching puberty. According to a report, over 500 million girls worldwide lack access to facilities necessary for managing menstrual hygiene. These social stigmas contribute to health challenges, leading to the emergence of other health concerns in girls who are often undernourished due to a lack of proper nutrition and healthcare facilities. Therefore, it is crucial to expand access to health services to prioritize the well-being of girls. The following are some recommended tests for girls to emphasize their overall health.
1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Anemia is common in girls, prompting the recommendation for a complete blood count (CBC) test. This test furnishes crucial information on red blood cells, white blood cells, and blood platelet counts. A CBC test can uncover several health disorders, including anemia, infections, and immune system-related diseases. For those experiencing symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, fever, and weakness, obtaining a CBC test becomes particularly important for a comprehensive evaluation and potential diagnosis of underlying health issues.
2. Iron profile
Iron deficiency can lead to disorders such as Anemia. Anemia usually happens when the body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells. These conditions can be effectively managed through proper dietary measures, iron supplements, and regular monitoring of iron levels.
3. Vitamin profile tests
A vitamin profile test provides essential insights into vitamin D & B12 levels, which are important for good health. Vitamin D deficiency can often lead to severe bone disorders, while low levels of vitamin B12 can cause anemia. Girls facing muscle weakness, fatigue, bone deformities, and pain should be screened for vitamin levels.
4. Urine examination
Microscopic urinalysis is a diagnostic procedure that assesses visual characteristics and microscopic elements in urine to detect urinary organisms. Physicians recommend undergoing this test when individuals exhibit symptoms such as abdominal pain, painful urination, and the presence of burning or blood in the urine.
5. Stool test
The stool test provides crucial information by identifying gastrointestinal infections caused by different organisms. It also helps pinpoint the causative agents of foodborne illnesses. If persistent symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, or fever are experienced, it is vital to undergo a stool test and seek guidance from a healthcare provider.
6. Eye test
Vision is a paramount sense, serving as the gateway to the world; undergoing an eye examination aids in assessing potential risks linked to nearsightedness or farsightedness and evaluating the health of optic nerves and lenses. This proactive measure helps mitigate potential risks and ensures the preservation of optimal vision. Correcting your vision enhances your eyesight and improves your quality of life.
7. Hormonal workup
A hormonal workup test should be taken in case of delayed puberty in girls. The test helps diagnose delayed development, polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid function, reproductive health, and adrenal gland activity. Early insight into your hormonal health helps manage conditions such as menstrual irregularities and hormonal disorders through early intervention and medication, taken post-consultation with the doctor to improve overall well-being.